About Us

Junior’s Testimony

I was born July 06th, 1988 and have been preaching since October of 2002. I did not come from a Christian home, I came from a family filled with any wicked sin you could imagine. One day at eleven and a half years old, on January 02, 2000, I went to church where I heard the gospel preached for the first time in my life. It was there God dealt with me and as a young boy I gave my heart to Him. From there it wasn’t long before God called me to preach and for two years I fought that calling. Praise the Lord, eventually, a preacher explained to me Acts chapter nine and what it meant to kick against the pricks, I realized I was fighting against the Lord. It was then I understood the need to follow God’s calling and surrendered to the call to preach.



Loredana Haley

Sister Loredana Haley

Loredana’s Testimony

I was born January 31st, 1991 in Onesti, Romania and grew up in an Orthodox family. At about age 6 my grandmother passed away and I became concerned with what would happen to me when I died and where I would spend eternity. For three years I struggled with this and prayed often for God to show me how to get to Heaven. At age 9 God sent the Morgan family as missionaries to Romania and not only to Romania but to be my neighbors. The Morgans having a large family of seven children, just like my family, were able to quickly befriend them and one by one they came to church and also to a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ. On April 22nd, 2000 as I was just a young girl I heard an Easter message with a clear presentation of the Gospel and there I trusted Christ as my savior. At eighteen in a teen camp I gave my heart to be a missionary, wherever God would lead me. From that time until now I have done my best to serve Him and find His will.




Junior, Lory, and Josiah Haley

Our Story

We met through a mutual friend in March of 2014 and began corresponding through the internet. During this time I began preaching to a group of believers in Belgium and in Romania via Skype while Loredana served as my translator. In January of 2015 we met face to face for the first time and began praying about God’s will for us. We courted for another year, until in February of 2016 we were engaged to be married. Then on June 11th, 2016 we were marred in Romania with Loredana’s friends and family. Due to here visa and not being able to bring both of our family’s together we had a second wedding on August 19th, 2016 in Bassett, VA. We have finished our deputation, and arrived in Belgium in April of 2017; then in June of 2017 we opened the Gent Baptist Church. Our first son Josiah Patrick Haley was born here in Belgium September the 9th, 2017.

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