Haleys Prayer Letter April-July 2016


How  can I even begin to say all God has done this past quarter? This has been one of the most eventful periods of ministry in the entirety of my 13 years of preaching. Here in the States God blessed us to reach almost to 75% of our needed support just in time for the one year mark since we began full time deputation. We had the privilege of helping lead a few lost souls to Christ and counsel some young men praying about serving God. Of course we travelled and preached a lot too; as far west as Kansas, as far north as South Dakota, and now as far south as Florida. While in Belgium we had some awesome opportunities in street ministry and a tremendous response to the preaching of God’s word. We had the chance to work one on one with several people who want me to call them and meet to discuss the gospel more when I return. Thousands of gospel tracts were distributed and are still being given even in my absence. Most excitingly a young lady from Romania joined our group there and has began to attend our skype services and help in the distribution of the gospel. In Romania we had one of our greatest blessings, not only were we allowed to preach and visit some churches there, but we also had the privilege of baptizing two of the young believers my wife had lead to the Lord years ago, her two youngest siblings, they have been my most faithful in coming to the skype services we have done each week for the past two years. It was our privilege to partner with Bro. Patrick Boyle who was their pastor and my wife’s for several years while he served in Romania and with Bro. Jim Morgan the local missionary who had led my wife and most of her family to the Lord. Bro. Boyle now pastors here in the states and was there to perform the wedding for my wife and I, due to his past relationship with them and my ordination service being soon but not yet happened at that point he performed the baptism as well, under the authority of Bro. Morgan’s church. I believe in doing all things decent and in order so I just share this so you can see how God brings all things together, the three men who have served like pastors to them all had a hand in the baptism and my wife who led them to the Lord was present as well. It is exciting to me to see young people asking to follow the Lord and make their faith public. Look for pictures of the baptism attached to this letter. Due to all of the exciting things God has done this letter will be two pages long with the personal section on the next page. We have a full schedule with only a few services open between now and the end of the year, mostly near Thanksgiving and Christmas. I mention this incase any pastor around home wants to do a special service in that time before we head off to Belgium at the end of January. If interested the dates are November 23rd, December  21st, 25th, and 28th.

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Haleys Prayer Letter January-March 2016



Praise the Lord 2016 has got off to a great but incredibly busy start. I am currently traveling out west to present the ministry after just getting back from Ohio and prior to that Belgium. The trip to Belgium was incredible with many opportunities to witness and preach on the streets. Thousands heard the gospel preached and even more received gospel tracts, I can now say I have been on the streets to preach in a record setting heat wave and in the cold and snow, one thing is certain, God is faithful. Every time we have been out to minister, whether in snow or heat, we have had a tremendous response from the people and God has blessed. Our last day ministering in the streets we had Lighthouse Baptist Church of Almere, Netherlands to come help us and we had no less than 12 people to come and let us talk with them personally and witness to them. One lady spent probably 30 minutes with pastor Kamps, while I was preaching, telling him how that she was thankful we were there to preach because in all her life she had never heard that Jesus was the only way to Heaven or that salvation was by grace and not works. please pray for her and others that we had a chance to be a witness to in Ghent, Belgium and while street preaching in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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Haleys Prayer Letter November and December 2015



Praise the Lord for finishing the year strong with His blessings. As of January, 09th the ministry is about one church short of being at 50% support in less than six months of full time deputation. It never ceases to amaze me just how much He blesses, The only way I can reconcile how a thrice holy God can use me, is that in using someone as untalented and unimportant as me He is certain to receive all of the glory for it. It is also exciting to look at the calendar for next year and see that it is nearly full. If there are roughly 104 Sunday services in a year then I am only lacking about fifteen or less to be completely scheduled. My Wednesday nights are also quickly filling up, praise the Lord. The biggest news in the ministry that needs to be announced right now and also my largest prayer request is that on Monday, January 11th, I will be travelling to Belgium for a few weeks. While I will call this a survey trip I have chosen to pay for it using my personal funds, the last of my saving from when I was working and money received from selling my possessions. l have chosen to do this because I have taken one survey trip already and just felt that this was appropriate for this trip. I do very much covet your prayers as I go to preach and work in Ghent, Belgium and have meetings scheduled elsewhere in Belgium and the Netherlands.

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Haleys Prayer Letter August-October 2015



Praise the Lord, this last quarter has been an incredible time in the minis as the Lord has kept a full schedule. There were opportunities to present in missions conferences and throughout the week all over Virginia, North Carolina, and Ohio. It is amazing to see how God has worked in bringing in support. When I first started praying I asked for 10% by the end of the year and God gave it almost immediately, so I began praying for 20% and God quickly gave that as well. Now just three and a half months into full time deputation and God has already blessed the ministry to have reached 30% of our required support as of November 1st. With a Full schedule and as many as seven churches looking to vote at any time now there is no doubt God is still looking to do something amazing. Just to show you how amazing God is I don’t know what the average is for this but as I was looking and praying over the churches God has allowed the ministry to be presented in; I realized that two thirds of them are supporting already, about half of that other third have expressed a plan to take the ministry on for support, and nearly all have expressed a desire to take the ministry on for support. I say all of that just to show you God’s hand in the ministry to Belgium, . my prayer is that He work in such a way that it is clear only God could have done it.

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Haley Prayer Letter April-June 2015

April-June Prayer Letter 2015

Dear supporters and prayer partners,

Thank each of you for your many prayers and gracious support, I hope this letter finds each of you blessed. How can I even begin to express how much God has blessed this past quarter? First of all let me say that for anyone who may not be aware of it, Macedonia World Baptist Missions voted unanimously to partner in the ministry with me. Also in exciting news, by the grace of God I do expect to reach twenty percent of the support needed by the end of August, which is a blessing. Continue reading